28. Evaluate and justify :

a) 0 or None and “or” : None

b) 1 or None and ‘a’ or ‘b’ : 1 # first operand is 1 and ‘or’ will evaluate to it

(c) False and 23 : False # first operand is False and ‘and’ will evaluate to it

(d) 23 and False : False # first operand evaluates to True and hence ‘and’ operator will evaluate to the second operand

(e) not (1 == 1 and 0 != 1) : False # not True

(f) “abc” == “Abc” and not (2 == 3 or 3 == 4) : False # “abc” does not equal to “Abc”

(g) False and 1 == 1 or not True or 1 == 1 and False or 0 == 0 : True # Precedence : Relational operator first, ‘and’ next, ‘or’ last