9. Write a program that generates a series using a function which takes first and last values of the series and then generates four terms that are equidistant e.g., if two numbers passed are 1 and 7 then function returns 1 3 5 7.

# Code

def func(x, y):
d = (y-x)/3 # divides the difference in 3 equal parts
return [x, x+d, x+2*d, y] # returns the series as a list

print(func(1, 9))
print(func(4, 8))
print(func(4, 10))
print(func(1, 7))

# Output
[1, 3.6666666666666665, 6.333333333333333, 9]
[4, 5.333333333333333, 6.666666666666666, 8]
[4, 6.0, 8.0, 10]
[1, 3.0, 5.0, 7]