Class 11 IP Chapter 10 Back Exercise Part C Solutions Sumita Arora New Syllabus / Listing11IPSA, Uncategorized / By Neha 1. Series objects ‘Temp1, Temp2, Temp3, Temp4 store the temperatures of days of week1, week2, week3, week4 respectively. Write a script to here for answer 2. Write a program that stores the sales of 5 fast moving items of a store for each month in 12 Series objects, i.e., S1 Series object stores sales of these 5 items in 1st month, S2 stores sales of these 5 items in 2nd month, and so on. The program here for answer 3. Three Series objects stores the marks of 10 students in three terms. Roll numbers of students form the index of these Series objects. The Three Series objects have the same indexes. Calculate the total weighted marks obtained by students as per following formula : Calculate the here for answer