Class 11 IP Chapter 10 Ex 10.1 Solutions Sumita Arora New Syllabus / Listing11IPSA, Uncategorized / By Neha 1. What is the use of Python Pandas library ? here for solution 2. What are ndarrays ? How are they different from Python lists ? here for solution 3. What are axes in a numpy array ? In Numpy here for solution 4. What do you understand by shape of a numpy array or series or a dataframe ? here for solution 5. To create sequence of numbers, NumPy provides a function namely______ that works like range( ) but returns arrays instead of lists. here for solution 6. In NumPy arrays, dimensions are called ___and number of axes is called___ . here for solution 7. Name the Pandas object that can store one dimensional array like object and can have numeric or labelled indexes. here for solution 8. Can you have duplicate indexes in a series object ? here for solution 9. What do these attributes of series signify ? (a) size (ii) itemsize (iii) nbytes here for solution 10. If S1 in a series object then how will len(S1) and S1.count( ) behave ? here for solution 11. Write commands to create following data structures, each having three integer elements 3, 4, 5 : (a) ndarray (b) list (c) series. here for solution 12. What are NaNs ? How do you store them in a datastructures ? here for solution 13. True/False. Series objects always have indexes 0 to n – 1. here for solution