Class 11 IP Chapter 14 Ex 14.1 Solutions Sumita Arora New Syllabus / Listing11IPSA, Uncategorized / By Neha 1. Maximum how many characters can be stored in a (i) text literal (ii) numeric literal? here for solutions 2. What is a datatype ? Name some datatypes available in MySQL. here for solutions 3. What are fixed length fields ? What are variable length fields ? here for solutions 4. Compare Char and Varchar datatypes. here for solutions 5. What is null value in MySQL database ? Can you use nulls in arithmetic expressions ? here for solutions 6. Which keyword eliminates the redundant data from a query result ? here for solutions 7. Which keyword retains duplicate output rows in a query result ? here for solutions 8. How would you display system date as the result of a query ? The SQL here for solutions 9 . How would you calculate 13 * 15 in SQL ? To calculate here for solutions 10. Which function is used to substitute NULL values in a query result ? here for solutions 11. Which operator concatenates strings in a query result ? here for solutions 12. Which comparison operator is used for comparing ? here for solutions