Class 11 IP Chapter 8 Back Exercise Part B Solutions Sumita Arora New Syllabus / Listing11IPSA, Uncategorized / By Neha 10. Find the errors here for answer 12 . Predict the output here for answer 13. Find the error/output. Consider below given two sets of codes. Which one will produce an error? Also predict the output produced by the correct code. here for answer 11. Predict the output here for answer 9. Predict the output here for answer 7. Consider the following code and then answer the questions that follow : here for answer 8. What will be the output produced by following code ? here for answer 6. What is the output produced by above code : here for answer 3. The following code has two dictionaries with tuples as keys. While one of these dictionaries being successfully created, the other is giving some error. Find out which dictionary will be created successfully and which one will give error and correct it : dict1 = here for answer 4. Nesting of dictionary allows you to store a dictionary inside another dictionary. Then why is following code raising error ? What can you do to correct it? here for answer 1. Which of the following will result in an error for a given valid dictionary D ? here for answer 2. The following code is giving some error. Find out the error and correct it. d1 = here for answer 5. Why is following code not giving correct output even when 25 is a member of the dictionary? here for answer