Class 12 IP Chapter 1 Ex 1.1 Solutions Sumita Arora New Syllabus / Listing12IPSA, Uncategorized / By Neha 1. What is ndarray ? here for answer 2. WThat are the ways in which 2D arrays are stored in memory ? here for answer 3. Define : here for answer 4. List one similarity of ndarrays and lists. here for answer 5. List one difference between ndarrays and lists. here for answer 6. Name two NumPy datatypes for text. here for answer 7. Name some functions used for creating ndarrays. here for answer 8. What are array slices ? here for answer 9. Name some functions for joining ndarrays. here for answer 12. What are vectorized operations ? here for answer 13. How can you perform arithmetic operations on ndarrays ? here for answer 15. Write NumPy functions for calculating : here for answer