Class 12 CS Chapter 1 Back Exercise Part A Solutions Sumita Arora New Syllabus / listing12CSSA, Uncategorized / By Neha 1. What are tokens in Python ? How many types of tokens are allowed in Python ? Exemplify your answer. here for answer 2. How are keywords different from identifiers ? here for answer 3. What are literals in Python ? How many types of literals are allowed in Python ? here for answer 4. Can nongraphic characters be used and processed in Python ? How ? Give examples to support your answer. here for answer 5. Out of the following, find those identifiers, which cannot be used for naming Variables or Functions in a Python program : here for answer 6. How are floating constants represented in Python ? Give examples to support your answer. here for answer 7. How are string-literals represented and implemented in Python ? here for answer 8. What are operators ? What is their function ? Give examples of some unary and binary operators. here for answer 9. What is an expression and a statement ? here for answer 10. What all components can a Python program contain ? here for answer 11. What are variables ? How are they important for a program ? here for answer 12. Describe the concepts of block or suite and body. What is indentation and how is it related to block and body ? here for answer 13. What are data types ? How are they important ? here for answer 14. How many integer types are supported by Python ? Name them. here for answer 15. What are immutable and mutable types ? List immutable and mutable types of Python. here for answer 16. What is the difference between implicit type conversion and explicit type conversion ? here for answer 18. What is entry controlled loop ? Which loop is entry controlled loop in Python ? here for answer 19. Explain the use of the pass statement. Illustrate it with an example. here for answer 20. Below are seven segments of code, each with a part coloured. Indicate the data type of each coloured part by choosing the correct type of data from the following type. here for answer