Class 12 CS Chapter 9 Back Exercise Part B Solutions Sumita Arora New Syllabus / listing12CSSA, Uncategorized / By Neha 1. Create a list SqLst that stores the doubles of elements of another list NumLst. Following code is trying to achieve this. Will this code work as desired ? What will be stored in SqLst after following code ? NumLst = here for answer 2. Change the above code so that it works as stated in previous question. here for answer 4. Consider a list ML = [1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100]. Write code using a list comprehension that takes the list ML and makes a new list that has only the even elements of this list in it. # Code here for answer 5. Write equivalent list comprehension for the following code : here for answer 6. Write equivalent for loop for the following list comprehension : here for answer 7. Predict the output of following code if the input is : here for answer 8. Predict the output : here for answer 9. Predict the output : here for answer 10. Predict the output : here for answer 11. Predict the output : here for answer 12. Predict the output. here for answer 13. Find the Error. Consider the following code, which runs correctly at times but gives error at other times. Find the error and its reason. here for answer 14. Suggest the correction for the error(s) in previous question’s code. here for answer 15. Find the error. Consider the following code(s) and predict the error(s): here for answer 16. Find the error in the following list comprehension : here for answer 17. Suggest corrections for the errors in both the previous questions. here for answer