4. Can you store the details of 10 students in a dictionary at the same time ? Details include – rollno, name marks, grade etc. Give example to support your answer. sa 11 cs chapter 13, sa 11 ip chapter 8 / PythonCSIP CS IP 4. Can you store the details of 10 students in a dictionary at the same time ? Details include – rollno, name marks, grade etc. Give example to support your answer. Read More »
5. Given the dictionary x = {‘k1’: ‘v1’, ‘k2’: ‘v2’, ‘k3’: ‘v3’}, create a dictionary with the opposite mapping i.e., write a program to create the dictionary as : inverted_x = { ‘ v1’ : ‘ k1’ , ‘ v2 ‘ : ‘ k2 ‘ , ‘ v3 ‘ : ‘ k3 ‘ } sa 11 cs chapter 13, sa 11 ip chapter 8 / PythonCSIP CS IP 5. Given the dictionary x = {‘k1’: ‘v1’, ‘k2’: ‘v2’, ‘k3’: ‘v3’}, create a dictionary with the opposite mapping i.e., write a program to create the dictionary as : inverted_x = { ‘ v1’ : ‘ k1’ , ‘ v2 ‘ : ‘ k2 ‘ , ‘ v3 ‘ : ‘ k3 ‘ } Read More »