2. Write a program to obtain temperatures of 7 days (Monday, Tuesday … Sunday) and then display average temperature of the week. sa 11 cs chapter 7, sa 11 ip chapter 4, Uncategorized / PythonCSIP CS IP 2. Write a program to obtain temperatures of 7 days (Monday, Tuesday … Sunday) and then display average temperature of the week. Read More »
3. Write a program that reads a number of seconds and prints it in form : mins and seconds, e.g., 200 seconds are printed as 3 mins and 20 seconds. [Hint, use // and % to get minutes and seconds] sa 11 cs chapter 7, sa 11 ip chapter 4, Uncategorized / PythonCSIP CS IP 3. Write a program that reads a number of seconds and prints it in form : mins and seconds, e.g., 200 seconds are printed as 3 mins and 20 seconds. [Hint, use // and % to get minutes and seconds] Read More »