Class 9 Biology Sure Shot Questions

State how the lysosomes help to keep the cell clean

a. plasma

b. rbc

c. wpc

d. platelets

Animal tissues are different from plant tissues. State reason.

1. Growth of animal tissue is limited whereas growth of plant tissue is unlimited.
2. Animal tissue is divided into four basic types connective, muscle, nervous, and epithelial where as plant tissue is divided into epidermis, ground tissue, and vascular tissue.
3. Animal tissue help in movement and in carrying out some important processes where as some plant tissue provide support.
4. Animal tissue cannot change its form but plant tissue can change its form.

Ramkaran  wanted  to  practice  bee  keeping  along  with  farming.  His  son,  Kishor  who  was  a
student of class IX  encouraged him and other villagers to establish bee farms in the village.

They faced some problems which they solved with the help of technology expert.
(i)  “Bee keeping for making honey has become an agricultural   enterprise”.  Jusitify
the statement.

There are many advantages of bee – keeping:

  1. It provides honey. It is a nutritive food and used for many other purposes.
  2. It provides bee wax which is used in many medicinal purposes.
  3. Honey bees are good pollinating agents. Thus they help in getting good yields.

(ii)  Mention any two desirable characters of bee varieties suitable for   honey production.

– less sting

– more honey

– stay in their

– reproduce faster
(iii)  Which values of villagers impress you ?


Define hybridization. How is interspecific crossing different from intervarietal crossing ?

Intervarietal hybrid plants are produced by crossing two varieties of the same species.
Example  -1) Hybrid produced by crossing of two different varieties of wheat (Triticum aestivum)
                  2) Hybrid produced by crossing two different varieties of rice ( Oryza sativa).

Interspecific hybrid plants are produced by crossing two plant species of the same genus.
Example- 1) Peppermint (Mentha × piperita) is produced by crossing two species of mint i.e water mint and spear mint
  2) Present Sugarcane is a hybrid of two sugarcane species i.e Saccharum officinarum and Saccharum barberi.

Intergeneric hybrid plants are produced by crossing two different genera.
Example- 1) Triticale is produced by crossing Wheat with Rye.
   2) Raphanobrassica is produced by crossing Radish with Cabbage.

(a)  Draw a diagram of epidermis of the leaf showing surface view and label stomata with
guard cells and epidermal cells.
(b)  Answer the following :
(i)  How the epidermis of the plants living in very dry habitats   is adapted ?
(ii)  Write functions of guard cells of stomata in the leaf.

 Page 72 – figure 6.5

Explain how biotic and abiotic factors influence storage of agricultural produce ? Mention the
preventive and control measures used before storing food grains for future use

 page 209 – ncert

1) Pests: these are the organisms which destroy the crops or the plant produce and make it unfit for human consumption. Example: rats, insects.

2) Weeds: These are the unwanted plants which grow along with the cultivated plants and compete of nutrients and space with the crops. Some weeds may also produce toxic substances which affect the crop production.

3) Disease causing microorganisms: Various bacteria and fungi are known to cause plant diseases. Hence, the affect the growth and quality of crops.

Abiotic factors can be defined as the non living components of the environment which affect the growth. Some of the abiotic factors affecting crop production are:

1) Temperature

2) Rainfall

3) Soil (Nutrients and soil chemistry)

4) Humidity

Write the location and function of collenchyma tissues in plants.

(a)  Define osmosis. The movement of water molecules through such a  selectively  permeable  membrane  is  called osmosis
(b)  What  happens  to  the  cell  when  external  concentration  is  equal  to  the  internal
concentration of the cell ? isotonic
(c)  What are such solutions called ?


Give the function of tissue present in the following :
(a)  Bark of a tree – cork
(b)  Lining of a kidney tubule –  cuboidal epithelium
(c)  Heart – cardiac muscles


Bark of the tree = Epidermis.

Functions of epidermis: The epidermal cells protect the underlying cells, the waxy cuticle prevents the loss of moisture from the leaves and stems, the transparent epidermal cells allow sunlight (for photosynthesis) to pass through to the chloroplasts in the mesophyll tissue,

Lining of Kidney = Cuboidal Epithelium Functions of Cuboidal Epithelium: These cells provide protection and may be active (pumping material in or out of the lumen) or passive, depending on the location and cellular specialization.

Heart=Cardiac Muscle Tissue Functions:Cardiac Muscle Tissue. Cardiac muscle tissue is an extremely specialized form of muscle tissue that has evolved to pump blood throughout the body. In fact,cardiac muscle is only found in the heart and makes up the bulk of the heart’s mass.


Write  two  examples each  of  the  fishes  that  are: (a)  Top feeders (b)  Middle feeders and (c)
Bottom feeders, in composite fish culture in a pond. (very important)

top feeders – catlas

middle feeders – rohu

bottom feeder – mrigal and common carps

Note: Please study composite fish culture


Identify the following muscular tissues and draw their diagramsIn book) :
(a)  This tissue is mostly attached to bones and helps in body movement. –  stariated
(b)  This tissue is found in the iris of the eye and bronchi of the lungs. – unstariated/smooth
(c)  This tissue contracts and relaxes rapidly rhythmically throughout life – cardiac


Define weeds. Name two common weeds. Illustrate different methods of controlling weeds in a crop field

Weeds are unwanted plants in the
cultivated field, for example, Xanthium(gokhroo), Parthenium (gajar ghas),
Cyperinus rotundus (motha).

Weeds take upnutrients and reduce the growth of the crop.

One of the most commonly used methods is the use of pesticides, which include herbicides,insecticides and fungicides.

Weed control methods also include mechanical removal.

Preventive methods such as proper seed bed preparation, timely sowing of crops, intercropping and crop rotation also help in weed control

When do chromatin fibres organize themselves into chromosomes ?

 During cell  division chromatin appears as chromosome in the cell, more specifically they appear as chromosome during the M phase of cell cycle.

(a)  Golgi  apparatus  have  a  system  of  membrane  bound  vesicles arranged  in  parallel
stacks. What are these called ? cistarne
(b)  State the two main functions of golgi apparatus.

The function of the Golgi apparatus is to modify, sort, and package proteins and other materials from the Cellular endoplasmic reticulum for storage within the Cell.

(a)  Mention two functions of stomata.

-exchange of gases

– giving out excess water in the form of water vapour this process is called transpiration

(b)  Which tissue surrounds stomata ?

guard cells /. epidermis


India is  a country with three  fourth  of  the  population  engaged  in  agriculture.  Even  though
financial conditions of some farmers do allow them to take higher level farming practices and
improved agriculture technology, yet they are hesitant to use of HYV seeds with traits such as
resistance  to  disease  and  pests, high quality  that  would  results finally in higher  yield.  The
Government’s Kisan channel solved all their apprehensions.
(i)  What is meant by genetically modified crops ?

M (Genetically modified) crops   are the crops in which a gene from some other organism may be another plant or a microorganism is inserted into the plant to get desired characteristic such as disease resistance, response to fertilizers, product quality and high yields. For example:   Cotton, Maize, Papaya, Soybean, Sugarbeet, Squash   , etc.
(ii)  What are the desired agronomic characters for fodder and cereal crops ?

  • For example, desirable characters for fodder crops are tallness and profuse branching.
  • For cereal crops, dwarfness is desired character so that fewer nutrients are consumed by these crops.

(iii)  In  your  opinion  what  should  be  done  so  that  the  modern  agriculture  technology  is
adopted by most of the farmers ?


Mention the three major activities involved in  improving the crop yields.

– irrigation

– cropping patterns

– fertilizers and manure



Why the cell is called the structural and functional unit of life? Explain the concept of division of labour in multicellular organisms giving an example

It is called structural unit of life because any structure that is not in the cellular form or is subcellular alone cannot be living and is not capable of an independent existence. Only cells or cellular structures are capable of claiming living status. 

Cell is called functional unit of life because apart from a few functions most of the functions required to sustain life is performed inside the cell. Metabolic activities that release energy for our body take place in the cells and non cellular structures are not able to generate energy from food sources. 

The division of labour in multicellular organisms refers to the presence of different organ systems that are capable of performing a particular life process. For example, the respiratory system, helps the body in obtaining oxygen from the air and supplying it to the rest of the body.



Explain the desirable traits obtained after cross-breeding an indigenous and an exotic breed of poultry birds

An indigenous breed like  Aseel  is crossed with an exotic breed like the  Leghorn  to produce an improved hybrid variety with the desired traits. 

Some desirable traits of hybrid poultry are as follows:

  • Good quality and large size of eggs

  • Low maintenance requirement

  • High resistance to diseases

  • Tolerance to high temperature

  • Good quality and quantity of chicks

  • Ability to utilize cheaper diets produced from agricultural wastes


Name two common physical processes involved in the transport of materials across the cell membrane.

osmosis (liquid) and diffusion (gases)


Draw diagram of phloem tissue and label on it all the three elements of phloem.

refer page 73 – NCERT

Describe the structural features of cell membrane and cell wall.


Cell wall  Cell membrane
The cell wall is an additional protective, rigid structure present outside the cell membrane. The cell membrane is porous in nature and helps in the inward and outward movement of substances.
It is present only in plant cells Present in both animal and plant cells
Plant cell wall is composed of cellulose. Cell membrane is composed of a lipid bilayer, with a polar head towards the outer side, and hydrophobic tails towards the inner side.
Plants cells do not move from one place to another and hence they require rigidity which is provided by the cell wall. The cell membrane is the outer boundary of the cell, which separates one cell from the other. It also separates the contents of the cell from its surrounding medium.

Classify meristematic tissues on the basis of the region they are present. Also mention their functions

apical , intercalary, lateral (learn the functions )

How  bee  keeping  for  making  honey  has  become an agricultural enterprise?

There are many advantages of bee – keeping:

  1. It provides honey. It is a nutritive food and used for many other purposes.
  2. It provides bee wax which is used in many medicinal purposes.
  3. Honey bees are good pollinating agents. Thus they help in getting good yields.


How  is commercial honey produced? Name the variety of bee which is used for commercial honey production.

Good quality honey bees are kept and reared in homes or nests made by humans. They are kept in a box. Many different types of flowers having more nectar is planted near the hies so that the bees collect more nectar to produce honey.this honey is then sold to the market. This is how honey is commercially produced.

In bee farms and apiaries


Identify the following muscular tissues and draw their diagrams :
(a)  This tissue is mostly attached to bones and helps in body movement. – stariated
(b)  This tissue is found in the iris of the eye and bronchi of the lungs. -smooth muscles
(c)  This tissue contracts and relaxes rapidly rhythmically throughout life. – cardiac


In  a  fresh water  composite  fish  culture,  mention  the  basis  of selection  of  varieties  of  fishes. Name  any  four  varieties  of  fishes  selected  along  with  their feeding  zones.  Write  one advantage and one problem of composite fish culture.

top feeders catlas

middle feeders rohu

bottom feeders mrigals

 In such a system, a combination of five or
six fish species is used in a single fishpond.
These species are selected so that they do
not compete for food among them having
different types of food habits. As a result, the
food available in all the parts of the pond is
used. As Catlas are surface feeders, Rohus
feed in the middle-zone of the pond, Mrigals
and Common Carps are bottom feeders, and
Grass Carps feed on the weeds, together these
species  can use all the food in the
pond without competing with each other. This
increases the fish yield from the pond.

Name a connective tissue which has a hard matrix.


Which stain is used to prepare an onion peel slide ? Why do we need a stain to be added ?


Identify the type of cell and write one characteristic feature of each :
(i)  large vacuole, nucleus pushed to the periphery – plant cell
(ii)  cell does not burst even in a very dilute medium – plant cell
(iii)  nuclear region is not well defined and is known as the nucleoid – prokaryotic cell


Why are „simple permanent tissues‟ called so ? Name the different types of simple permanent tissues ?

 they have same types of cells and are differentiated like parenchyma, sclrenchyma etc.

Karan was studying about crops. He studied that just like humans, plants also require certain
nutrients which are essential for proper growth.  He observed that the plants in the kitchen
garden  maintained  by  his  mother  were  not  healthy.   He  told  his  mother  to  use  organic
(i)  List two different sources from where a plant gets the 16 essential nutrients. – air, water and soil
(ii)  Which physiological processes are affected if there is deficiency of nutrients ? -reproduction, growth and susceptibility to

(iii)  List any two values of Karan reflected in his behaviour here. –


There are sixteen nutrients which are essential for plants. Air supplies carbon and oxygen, hydrogen comes from water, and soil supplies the other thirteen nutrients to plants. Amongst these thirteen nutrients, six are required in large
quantities and are therefore called macronutrients. The other seven nutrients are used by plants in small quantities and are therefore called micro-nutrients


a connective tissue

b. plasma

c. rbc

d. platelets


e to i are following


Eosinophil – 

Basophil – 

Lymphocyte – 




“The cross breeding programmes between Indian and exotic breeds for variety improvement
are focussed on to develop varieties for desirable traits”. Mention the desirable traits needed
for poultry farming

already solved above


(a)  Define tissue. What is the importance of tissues in multicelluler organisims ?

Tissue  may be defined as the group of similar cells present together to form an important part of the organism to perform a particular function.  

In unicellular organisms, a single cell performs all the basic functions such as respiration, movement, excretion, digestion, etc. But in multicellular organisms, cells are grouped to form tissues. These tissues are specialised to carry out a particular function at a definite place in the body. For example, the muscle cells form muscular tissues which helps in movement, nerve cells form the nervous tissue which helps in transmission of messages. This is known as division of labour in multicellular organisms. It is because of this division of labour that multicellular organisms are able to perform all functions efficiently.
(b)  Are plants and animals made of same types of tissues ? If no, then. Write three pointsof difference.

Plant Tissue
Animal Tissue
They can change from one form to another
They cannot change from one form to another
They provide support
Some animal tissue helps in movement
The growth is unlimited
The growth is limited
categorized broadly into three tissue systems: the epidermis, the ground tissue, and the vascular tissue
can be grouped into four basic types: connective, muscle, nervous, and epithelial
They are also divided into meristematic tissues and permanent tissues
Manifestation of these tissues can differ depending on the type of organism

Classify the following crops as Rabi and Kharif crop :
(a)  Wheat  (rabi)   (b)  Gram(Rabi)
(c)  Paddy   (kharif)  (d)  Soyabean (kharif)
(e)  Maize   (rabi)   (f)  Cotton.(kharif)
Out of Rabi and Kharif crops which one needs more water for irrigation ? kharif


Compare Rabi and Kharif crops on the basis of their harvesting time.


The Kharif crop is the autumn harvest (also known as the summer or monsoon crop). Kharif crops are usually sown with the beginning of the first rains in July, during the south-west monsoon season. The term Kharif means autumn.

Rabi is a summer crop, while kharif is a rainy season crop.The Rabi season crop is of a relatively shorter duration time and hence more fertilizers (inorganic) are used in comparison. Kharif season is about 150 -160 days for paddy (June to November) whereas Rabi is for about 120- 135 days from December to April next yr). Generally the yield in Rabi is higher than in the kharif.

Mention the functions of the various elements of xylem.


Tracheids and vessels allow the transport of water and minerals vertically.

Xylem parenchyma cells store food and help in the sideways conduction of water.

Xylem fibres   are mainly supportive in function.


(a)  Define tissue. What is the importance of tissues in multicelluler organisims ?
(b)  Are plants and animals made of same types of tissues ? If no, then. Write three points
of difference.


(a)  Define animal husbandry.

Animal husbandry, also called animal science, stockbreeding or simple husbandry, is the agricultural practice of breeding and raising livestock.
(b)  Mention  four  ways  by  which  health  of animals  can  be  maintained  during  cattle farming.

Animals require regular brushing to remove dirt

They should be sheltered underwell-ventilated roofed sheds that protect themfrom rain, heat and cold.

The floor of the cattle shed needs to be sloping so as to stay dryand to facilitate cleaning.

Name  the  simple  permanent  tissue  which  has  living  cells  with  thin  walls.   What  is  the function of this tissue in the stems and roots ?


Classify the organisms on the basis of the number of cells. Give two examples each.

 Unicellular(amoeba, paramecium) and Multicellular

Differentiate between bone and cartilage with respect to structure, function and location

BONE : A very strong and non-flexible tissue.Blood vessels are present and matrix is made up of protiens and mineral salts. Provides shape to the body.

CARTILAGE : A cartilage is compact and flexible tissue. Blood vessels are absent matrix made up of protiens. Provides support and flexiblity to the body parts.


Cattles are fed with roughage and concentrates. Why ? Which food additives are added in the cattle feed apart from nutrients (ans: micronutrients)

The food requirements of dairy animals are of two types: (a) maintenance requirement, which is the food required to support the animal to live a healthy life, and (b) milk producing requirement, which is the type of food required during the lactation period. Animal feed includes: (a) roughage,
which is largely fibre, and (b) concentrates, which are low in fibre and contain relativelyhigh levels of proteins and other nutrients.Cattle need balanced rations containing all nutrients in proportionate amounts. Besides such nutritious food material, certain feed additives containing micronutrients promotethe health and milk output of dairy animals.

Define osmosis. What would happen to a living cell when it is kept in :
(a)  an isotonic solution
(b)  a hypotonic solution
(c)  a hypertonic solution


a) HYPOTONIC SOLUTION- The cell will swell up because the concentration of water in the solution is more. Hence Endosmosis will take place.

b)HYPERTONIC SOLUTION- The cell will shrink up because the concentration of water in the solution is less.Hence Exosmosis will take place.

c)ISOTONIC SOLUTION- The cell will remain of same size because the medium has exactly same concentration of water and solute.


Define  genetically  modified  crops.   How  are  they  made  ?   Explain  the  significance  of
genetically modified crops with suitable example.

GMO- GMO is a genetically modified crop (organism). A gene for a desirable character is introduced in a plant using scientific technique. The resultant plant is a GMO. For new varieties of crop to be accepted, it is necessary that:-
a) Variety produces high yield under different conditions
b) Farmers to be provided with good quality seeds of a variety.
when new varieties of crops are made by scientists,the main features kept in mind are: a)Crop should give high yield in different climatic conditions. b) The seeds provided should be of the same variety and should germinate under same conditions.


identify the tissues


 a. bone b. cartilage

Who discovered Golgi apparatus? Describe its structure and functions.

Camillo Golgi

consists  of  a  system  of membrane-bound  vesicles  arranged approximately parallel to each other in stacks
called cisterns.

Its functions include the storage, modification  and  packaging  of  products  in vesicles. In some cases, complex sugars may be  made  from  simple  sugars  in  the  Golgi apparatus.  The  Golgi  apparatus  is  also involved  in  the  formation  of  lysosomes


If a leafy branch of a healthy potted plant is covered with a polythene bag, tiny water droplets
are seen on the inside of the bag. Why does this happen ? Which part of the leaf is responsible
for this function ? What are its other functions


The tiny water droplets are produced due to the process of transpiration. 

Tiny pores called stomata present on the surface of the leaf are responsible for transpiration.

Stomata help in exchange of gases during photosynthesis and respiration. 

Afzal  was  taking  care  of  his  poultry  farm  for  years  now.   His  son  Abdul  visited  Central
Poultry Breeding Farm and seek advice on certain improved breeds. He introduced HH260
cross breed and the egg and meat production increased.
(i)  List four desirable traits for which variety improvement or cross breeding is done.
(ii)  Why did Abdul obtain information ?

 already answered

The Italian bee is better than local varieties for commercial honey production. Why ? State the
meaning of pasturage.

 Apis mellifera is an italian bee variety. Italian bees are more desirable for production of honey because they give a high yield of honey, are stingless and can live long in the beehives as compared to the other bees.


Pasturage   refers to the plants or vegetation available in the area for grazing animals. Flowers of these plants decide the quality and quantity of honey produced by honeys bees. As, honeybee collects nectar from these flowers using its long tube like tongues. This nectar remain inside the honey bee stomach for sometime where it gets mixed with bee’s protein & enzymes. As a result nectar finally gets converted to honey

(a)  Explain the reason for the following :
(i)  Mitochondria are known as power house of the cell.

  The  energy  required  for  various chemical activities needed for life is released by  mitochondria  in  the  form  of  ATP
(Adenosine  triphopshate)  molecules. 
(ii)  Lysosomes are called as suicidal bags.

During the disturbance in cellular metabolism, for example, when the cell gets damaged,  lysosomes  may  burst  and  the
enzymes  digest  their  own  cell.


(iii)  Plasma membrane is known as selectively permeable   membrane.

Functions of cell membrane

  • It protects intracellular organelles from the outside environment.
  • It selectively allows the molecules to move in and out of the cell. Gases such as carbon dioxide and oxygen pass through diffusion, Movement of water molecules through the membrane takes place by osmosis.
  • It can also take substances in and out of the cell through endocytosis respectively. Endocytosis is the process through which cells take in extra-cellular substances. 
  • It establishes communication between cells.

(b)  Define endocytosis. Give one example.

 endocytosis means to take in some thing or to engulf food whereas exocytosis means to throw out unwanted matter.

eg taking in food of an excertion

Define  ‘Hybridisation’.   Explain  the  three  types  of  cross-breeding  practiced  during
hybridisation ? What do you mean by genetically modified crops ?

 already answered

Describe the structural features of cell membrane and cell wall

 The cell membrane is flexible and is made  up  of  organic  molecules  called  lipids and  proteins.  However,  we  can  observe  the structure  of  the  plasma  membrane  only through an electron microscope.

Plant  cells,  in  addition  to  the  plasma membrane, have another rigid outer covering called the cell wall. The cell wall lies outside the plasma membrane. The plant cell wall is mainly composed of cellulose. Cellulose is a complex  substance  and  provides  structural strength to plants


Differentiate between the three types of muscular tissues.

refer NCERT/notes

Aakanksha’s  mother  had  grown  vegetabels  like  bottle  gourd,  capsicum  bitter  gourd  and
tomatoes inside the fencing of her home. One morning while she was busy in her work she
asked Aakanksha to water the plants but Aakanksha didn’t comply.  She told her that as we
need food for development, plants also require nutrients, which they get from air, water and
soil. Deficiency of these nutrients affects growth and susceptibility to diseases.
(i)  Name the nutrients supplied by air and water to the plant.

Air supplies carbon and oxygen, hydrogen comes from water, and soil supplies the other thirteen nutrients to plants
(ii)  What are macro nutrients and why are they called so ?

Amongst these thirteen nutrients, six are required in large quantities and are therefore called macronutrients. The other seven nutrients are used by plants in small quantities and are therefore called micro-nutrients
(iii)  “Nature provides all the essentials for the plant growth and each component plays an
important role”. Learning from nature, mention two values that everyone in a family should


“Green Revolution of 1960 is a boon by itself”. List three steps that were initiated to increase crop production.


(a)  Explain the formation of complex permanent tissue in plants. Mention two types of
complex tissues and write their functions.

 The cells formed by the meristematic tissue take up a specific role and lose the ability to divide . As a result , they form a permanent tissue . This process is known as differentiation . The cells of meristematic tissue differentiate to form different types of permanent tissue .


phloem xylem – please refer ncert to read the details
(b)  How simple permanent tissues are different from complex permanent tissues ?

Simple Permanent tissue

Complex Permanent tissue

These tissues consist of only one type of cells.

These tissues are made up of more than one type of cells.

The cells are more or less similar in structure and perform similar functions.

Different types of cells perform different functions. For example, in the xylem tissue, tracheids help in water transport, whereas parenchyma stores food.

Three types of simple tissues in plants are parenchyma, collenchyma, and sclerenchyma.

Two types of complex permanent tissues in plants are xylem and phloem.

Differentiate between bone and cartilage

Bone is strong and nonflexible connective tissue.
Cartilages are flexible connective tissue .
It has hard matrix made of proteins, calcium and phosphorus.
Matrix is made of proteins and sugars.
It cannot be bend.
It can be bend.
Blood vessels are present.
Blood vessels are absent.
Canaliculi connections are present between bone cells, osteocyte.
Canaliculi connections are absent betweenchondrocytes.
It provides shape and skeletal support to the body.
It provide support and flexibility to the body and also smoothen bone surfaces at joints.
It forms skeleton.
It is found in nose, ear , tracheaand larynx.


(a)  Where are the ribosomes present in a cell ?
(b)  Where are they synthesised and what makes them so important ?

Ribosome is made up of proteins​ It is mostly present on rough endoplasmic reticulum and is  responsible for protein synthesis. 

Differentiate between the three types of muscular tissues.

 already discussed

How can poultry farming be integrated with crop production ?

Poultry farming can be integrated with crop production in a few ways . For example poultry is used in orchards and vineyards after harvest to clear rotten fruits and weeds while fertilizing the soil. Poultry can be left on soil where their droppings enrich the soil.

How improved poultry breeds are developed in poultry farming


Improved poultry breed can be obtained by


  • By selecting improved variety of birds
  • Providing nutritive food to the birds
  • Disease resistant varieties to be selected
  • Birds with good egg laying capacity should be selected
  • Proper health care measures must be taken
  • Cleanliness of the farm is necessary to avoid pathogens

Name the constituents of xylem tissue. Draw labelled diagram of any three constituents

 refer page 73 ncert

(a)  List the different sources from where a plant gets the 16 essential nutrients.

already answered
(b)  Mention the advantages of using manure over fertilisers?

Advantages of manure are:

1) It ‘s organic ,hence safe to use

2) It provides a lot of humus to the soil.

3) It can be prepared in the fields.

Disadvantages of fertilizers are:

1) It does not provide any humus to the soil

2) It can only be prepared in factories.

3) It can sometimes be unsafe for soil.

(c)  Which physiological processes are affected if there is deficiency of nutrients?

 already answered earlier

Give one word for the following :
(1)  Group of cells with similar structure and designed to give highest  efficiency  of

function. – tissue
(2)  The process of taking up a permanent shape, size and function. – differentiation
(3)  Animal tissue connecting muscle to bones. – tendon
(4)  Kidney shaped cells that enclose stomata. – guard cells


Tabulate the difference between nucleoid and nucleus giving three points.

Nucleus is the structure where Eukaryotes store their genetic material while nucleoid is the place where Prokaryotes store their genetic material.

Nucleus is large and well organized, whereas nucleoid is small and poorly organized.

 Nucleus is surrounded by a double layered membrane called nuclear membraneand separates from other cell organelies. Such membrane cannot be found in nucleoid.

 Nucleus contains many chromosomes while nucleoid generally has only one circular DNA molecules.

Nucleolus and nucloeplasm are present inside the nucleus, whereas they are absent in nucleiod.




tissue name is phloem

(b)  Identify parts „A‟, ‟B‟, ‟C‟ and „D

 A – sieve plate

B – sieve tube

C – phloem parenchyma

D – companion cell

Teacher  mentioned  about  the  organisms  which  enrich  the  soil  with  nutrients.   Rahila  was
curious  to  know  more  about  them.   So  she  searched  internet  and  came  to  know  about
Rhizobium bacteria and cyanobacteria.
(i)  What are bio-fertilizers ?

The fertilizer that uses bio-agents like culture of blue-green algae or other micro-organisms instead of chemicals in order to make soil fertile and replenish its nutrients is known as bio-fertilizer

The bio agents that are used are Rhizobium, Anabena, Nostoc, Azotobacter, Pseudomonas, Blue green algae.

(ii)  Explain how any one of the organism mention above enrich the soil with nutrients.


(iii)  Why Rahila was curious to get more information ?


(a)  Give two examples of shell fishes.

Fish production includes the finned true fish as well as shellfish such as prawns and molluscs.
(b)  Mention the names of four marine fish of high economic value.

 mullets, bhetki, and pearl spots, shellfish such as prawns

Apart  from  manure how  are  green  manures  and  vermi – compost  significant  for  the crop
production in agriculture ?‟ How green manure is produced ?


Green manure is also known as cover crop grown to add nutrients in the soil. When any crop like Wheat, Bajra is harvested then green manure crops are grown to increase the organic matter & nutrients in the soil. These are grown for a short period of time. Some common examples of green manure are leguminous plants like- clover and soya beans.

Micro-organisms, mostly bacteria, but also yeasts and fungi, in soil break down (or decompose) the organic matter and convert it to useful product known as compost . Compost supplies nutrients that are essential for plant growth and development.

Vermicompost is the product of composting by utilizing various species of worms, especially earthworms to create a heterogeneous mixture of decomposing vegetable or food waste

Name  any  two  cell  organelles  which  are  bound  by  a  double  layered  membrane.   Give  one
function of each

 Nucleus and one of mitochondria or chloroplast

Mention the role of epidermis in the following :
(a)  In the aerial parts of the plant.

(b)  In leaves.
(c)  In roots.

a) Epidermis forms a barrier between the internal tissues of the aerial parts of the plant and the external environment. Hence, serves as skin of the plant protecting the parts of the plant from the injuries.
b) In leaves, epidermis prevents the water loss and acts as a layer between outer and inner leaf.
c) In roots, epidermis plays a role of absorbing the water and other nutrients (minerals).


Karan’s father was practicing apiculture with farming on the advice of Karan, he introduced
the  Italian  bee  which  yielded  an  average  of  50  to
200  kg  of  honey  per  year.   He  encouraged  others  to  adopt  the  same  as  he  believed.   The
pasturage there was suitable for bee keeping.
(i)  State two desirable traits of bee varieties suitable for honey production.
(ii)  Give  the  scientific  name  of  the  Italian  bee  commonly  used  for  commercial  honey

(iii)  State two values shown by Karan.

already answered many times above


Differentiate between  “Mixed  farming”  and  “Mixed Cropping”.  Write  any  three  points  of

 Mixed farming is a system of farming on a particular farm
which includes crop production, raising of livestock etc.
• Mixed cropping is growing of two or more crops simultaneously
on the same piece of land.

Who discovered cell? Which major invention led to the discovery of the microscopic

robert hooke, discovery of microscope
(ii)  Name a single cell which may constitute a whole organism. What are they called? amoeba, unicellular
(iii)  Every multi – cellular organism has come from a single cell. Justify the statement.

Yes, every cell of the multicellular organism has come from a single cell.. After fertilization , the zygote is formed. The zygote is actually a single cell. The zygote then give rise to all the cells that we have today. Zygote multiply itself to form embryo. Then the specific cells become modified under the right conditions to perform certain functions.


(a)  Why are poultry birds and farm animals vaccinated ?

 Appropriate vaccination can prevent the occurrence of infectious diseases and reduce loss of poultry during an outbreak of disease.

(b)  Which parasites are need to be removed from dairy animals and why ?

The parasites of cattle may be both external parasites and internal parasites. The external parasites live on the skin and mainly cause skin diseases. The internal parasites like worms, affect stomach and intestine while flukes damage the liver.
(c)  How do we identify a sick animal ?

  • Strange behaviour
  • weakness
  • Inability to perform work
  • Reduced quality of products (for poultry and milch animals)
  • Symptoms of diseases on skin like rashes, poxes etc..
  • Very poor excreta
  • high temperature

(d)  Why proper cleaning of dairy animals and their shelter is necessary ?

 Regular cleaning of the dairy animals and their shelter helps to protect the animals from various diseases. Thus, keeps them healthy which in turn increases yield.

Define the following :
(i)  Milch Animals     (ii)  Draught Animals
(iii)  Sustainable agriculture   (iv)  White Revolution
(v)  Fodder Crops.


Milk-producing females are called milch animals (dairy animals)

animals used for farm labour are called draught animals

sustainable agriculture – we should increase food production without degrading our environment and disturbing the balances maintaining it.

white revolution has led to better and more efficient use as well as availability of milk.

fodder crops like berseem, oatsor sudan grassare raised as food for the livestock.


Explain the process of formation of cork

 A strip of seconday meristem replaces the epidermis. Cells on the outside are cut forming cork

Name the following and give one characteristic of each.
(a)  Living tissue that provides mechanical support in plants. collenchyma
(b)  Highly specialised cells for being stimulated and then transmitting the stimulus very
rapidly within the body of animals. nerve cells
(c)  Animal tissue with elongated cells and contractile proteins responsible for movement. muscle



Explain the terms ‘biotic’ and ‘abiotic’ resistance in relation to crop production. How can youovercome problems caused by them ?

already answered


Analyse the significance of specialised epithelial tissue present in the following :
(a)  Ciliary columnar epithelial in respiratory tract

The cliliary movement helps in movement of mucous and other substances. Also air is pushed away with the movement of cliia and helps to clear the respiratory tract.
(b)  Stratified squamous epithelium in skin

Skin epithelial cells are arranged in many layers to prevent wear and tear.Since they are arranged in this way,this epithelium is known as stratified squamous epithelium.
(c)  Cuboidal epithelium in kidney tubules

it provides mechanical support
(d)  Columnar epithelium in inner lining of intestine

for absorption and secretion
(e)  Squamous epithelium in lining of oesophagus

to form a thin lining

(a)  Mention two ways of obtaining fish from the sea.

Capture Fishing: using nets and boats
Culture Fishing: using fish farming practices. 
(b)  Does  fishery  mean  obtaining  only finned  fish  ?  Name  two  more  sea  animals which
captured other than true fishes?


 Fish production includes the finned true fish as well as shellfish such as prawns and molluscs.
(c)  How large schools of fish in open sea are located?

 locating large schools of fish in the open sea using satellites and echo-sounders


Write three points of difference between Rabi crops and Kharif crop


(a)  Mention and explain two fresh initiatives used for increasing the water available for

  • roof top rain water harvesting
  •  drip irrigation system


(a)  State the difference between tendon and ligament.
(b)  Give the function of adipose tissue

 to store fat


Answer the following :
(i)  Draw a labelled diagram of smooth muscle.
(ii)  Differentiate between xylem and phloem.
(iii)  Mention the constituents of blood.

(iv)  Name the epithelial tissue which has hair-like projection on outer surface of cells.columnar  epithelial
(v)  Name a tissue that stores fat in the body – adipose


Describe in short five methods by which you can increase the yield of crops and livestock

1. Plant them in places conducive to growth
2. Put water on them
3. Put fertilizer on them
4. Remove weeds from the area around the more desirable plants
5. Remove insects (and other animals) from the area around the crops
6. Determine the optimal spacing for the plants, and plant them that way
7. Determine the optimal fertilizers in terms of both “what” and “how much” and apply them that way
8. Follow good crop rotation / leaving fallow schedule to 
reduce soil nutrient depletion; 
and/or reduce things like selenium contamination which come from using a substandard water supply
9. Occasional plowing before planting can break up old root clumps and give the new plants a better chance at growing their own roots. Do not overdo (which can lead to accidental wind blowing away of the topsoil).
10. Selective breeding of plants for improved per-acre yield. This can include breeding for response to fertilizers, salt tolerance, disease resistance.
11. Genetic engineering of crop plants for improved nutritional value, improved disease resistance, resistance to herbicides.
12. cropping patterns
1. Make sure the animals get adequate food and water
2. Selectively breed the animals for weight gain per unit food
3. Give the animals better quality food
4. Bring the food to the animals rather than bringing the animals to food. This means less energy is wasted in walking to and from pastures and that means more weight is put on.



Do all cells in our body look alike in terms of shape, size and structure? Explain with the help
of examples. What similarities do they have

 Cells are of different shape, size and structure according to the function they need to perform. So, if all the cells become of same size, shape and structure, it will be very difficult for multicellular organisms including humans to adapt better to the environment and survive. Also, the division of labour among the cells will be lost thus leading to difficulties in survival.

Name two types of :
(i)  Fibres      (ii)  Cells
found in areolar connective tissue. Where is this tissue located ?

 fibers – collagen fibre , reticular fibre (ncert page 76)

cells – mast cell , plasma cell

Brackish  water  resources  are  important  fish  reservoirs  but  still  in  inland  water  bodies  the
yield is not high. So people adopt aquaculture. A son persuaded his father, a farmer , to do
fish culture in the paddy field and also in a pond near his house to increase the yield.
(i)   What is meant by brackish water ?

Brackish water resources, where seawater and fresh water mix together, such as estuaries and lagoons
are also important fish reservoirs.
(ii)  What can be done to get maximum fish yield from the pond ?

composite method

(iii)  How son’s work is appreciable ?




a. protein

b. endoplasmic reticulum

c. smooth endoplasmic reticulum

d. rough endoplasmic reticulum




1 thought on “Class 9 Biology Sure Shot Questions”

  1. Hello mam, I am a student of clsss 9 in Modern Hind Sr. Sec. School, Khori Kalan Tauru Mewat.Haryana, please mam aap check kar sak ti ho ki hamare all sub.sa1 que. papers konse hai please mam main aapka aabhari rahunga. THANK YOU

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