Class 9 SST 3 marks question Sure shot

How is distribution of land among farmers related to the productivity from the land ?
What does a ‘virtuous cycle’ created by the educated parents mean? Explain.
Write briefly about the South African leader ‘Nelson Mandela’ ?
Which party was ruling in China in 2002 ? Mention its two features.
Why is the Constitution of India acceptable to Indians even today ?
Why is pollution rate of Ganga water increasing day by day? Explain.
Which are the major physical divisions of India ?
Explain the importance of lakes
Describe  three  major  effects  of  Great  Economic  Depression  of  1929  on the  United  States  of America.
How is industrialization associated with the social change in France ? Explain.
State three consequences of German attack on Poland in 1939.
Mention any three facts about the Jacobins.
Why were the rich and the landlords unhappy with Allende ? Give any any three reasons.
Why have the Constituent Assembly Debates been recorded and preserved
Lakes in India differ from each other on many basis. Write three such basis.
Distinguish between folding and faulting
How do the Himalayas play a vital role in the economic and cultural development of India
What is a river pattern ? Name any four patterns formed by the rivers
List the communities which were classified as undesirable in Nazi Germany?
Liberals were not Democrats. Explain.
How were women perceived in Nazi Germany? Explain.
Describe the events of 14thJuly, 1789 in the city of Paris
Explain any three differences between physical capital and human capital
Define seasonal unemployment. Give an example. How can we overcome this situation ?
‘Democracy  improves  the  quality  of  decision  making’.   Justify  the  statement  with  three arguments.
‘Apartheid’ system followed in South Africa was unjust and racist. Give suitable reasons to justify the statement.
‘ Democracy is based on the fundamental principle of political equality’. Give two instances of denial of equal right to vote.
Explain the significance of the central location of India at the head of Indian Ocean
Distinguish between convergent plates and divergent plates.
Mention the latitudinal extent of India. Explain its significance
Describe three peculiar features of River Brahamputra.
Mention three extra-constitutional powers enjoyed by the newly organised forces under the Nazi State
Why was the ‘Treaty of Versailles’ harsh and humiliating to people of Germany ? Explain any three reasons.
What was the Convention ? Describe its role in France.
Apart  from  agriculture  what  are  the  other  economic  activities  of  the  people  of  Palampur. Explain any three such activities
Mention any three features of National Health Policy.
Describe the composition of the Constituent Assembly ? How much time it took to frame the Indian Constitution.
‘Major decisions in a democracy must be taken by elected leaders’. Justify the statement by giving two reasons and a suitable example
‘ Democracy is based on the fundamental principle of political equality’. Give two instances of denial of equal right to vote
Why has 8230 E longitude been selected as the standard meridian of India ?
Explain the three types of plate movements.
What is the longitudinal extent of India ? Mention the degree of longitude for the Standard Meridian. State the importance of the Standard Meridian.
Differentiate between the west and east flowing Peninsular rivers.
Mention  any  three  factors  which  contributed  to the  economic  crisis  faced  by  the  Weimar Republic in 1923.
How is industrialization associated with the social change in France ? Explain.
How were women perceived in Nazi Germany? Explain.
Describe any three consequences of the French Revolution on France.
Explain the problems which arise due to unequal distribution of land.
Explain any three consequences of unemployment
The concept of “One person, One vote, One value”, has been accepted by almost all countries of the world. Justify the statement by mentioning three rguments.
„Democracy allows people to correct their mistakes‟. How is this possible ? Explain.
What is meant by the preamble of the constitution ? What are its importance.
Highlight any three important characteristics of the Godavari Basin
What are tectonic movements ?  Explain the theory of plate tectonics

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