5. A list namely Adm stores admission numbers of 100 students in it, sorted in ascending order of admission numbers. Write a program that takes an admission number and looks for it in list Adm using binary search technique. The binary search function should use recursion in it.

def adm_search(arr, x, f=0, l=10):
if l >= f:
mid = (f+l)//2
if arr[mid] == x: # Found
return mid
elif arr[mid] > x:
return adm_search(arr, x, f, mid-1) # search below
return adm_search(arr, x, mid+1, l) # search above
return ‘Not Found’

# adm list can be of any number
adm = [456, 467, 489, 500, 546, 567, 588, 599, 600, 612, 613]
print(adm_search(adm, 234))
print(adm_search(adm, 500))

# Output
Not Found