Class 11 IP Chapter 5 Back Exercise Part B Solutions Sumita Arora New Syllabus / Listing11IPSA, Uncategorized / By Neha 11. Draw decision tree for grade calculation as per : Decision Tree here for answers 6. What is a flowchart ? How is it useful ? here for answers 8. How are following two code fragments different from one another ? Also, predict the output of the following code fragments : here for answers 9. Rewrite the following code fragments using for loop : (b) here for answers 10. Rewrite following code fragments using while loops : here for answers 11. Predict the output of the following code fragments : # Output here for answers 12. What is the output of the following code ? here for answers 13. In the nested for loop code above (Q. 12), how many times is the condition of the if clause evaluated? 20 times here for answers 14. Which of the following Python programs implement the control flow graph shown ? Ans : here for answers 4. Which Python statement can be termed as empty statement ? The 'pass' here for answers 7. What is following code doing ? What would it print for input as 3 ? here for answers 5. What is the output of the following lines of code ? here for answers 6. Find the errors in the code given below and correct the code : Errors are here for answers 3. What is the output produced by the following code ? here for answers 1. Rewrite the following code fragment that saves on the number of comparisons: here for answers 4. What is the error in following code ? Correct the code : here for answers 2. Under what conditions will this code fragment print “water” ? here for answers