Class 11 IP chapter 5 Ex 5.3 Solutions Sumita Arora New Syllabus / Listing11IPSA, Uncategorized / By Neha 16. Can a single break statement in an inner loop terminate all the nested loops ? here for answers 15. What is the significance of break and continue statements? here for answers 14. What is the output produced by following loop ? here for answers 13. What will be the output of following code: here for answers 12. If the test-expression of a while loop evaluates to false in the beginning of the loop, even before entering in to the loop : (a) how many times is the loop executed? (b) how many times is the loop-else clause executed ? a) Loop here for answers 11. Why is while loop called an entry controlled loop ? here for answers 10. What is the similarity and difference between for and while loop ? here for answers 8. Write a for loop that displays the even numbers from 51 to 60. here for answers 9. Suggest a situation where an empty loop is useful. here for answers 7. What is the output of following code ? here for answers 6. Why does “Hello” not print even once ? here for answers 5. What is the output of the following code fragment ? here for answers 3. What is the use of range() function ? What would range(3, 13) return ? here for answers 4. What is the output of the following code fragment ? here for answers 2. What are the two categories of Python for a in range(3) : for b in range(5,7) : Loops ? here for answers 1. What are iteration statements ? Name the iteration statements provided by Python. here for answers