Class 11 CS Chapter 11 List Manipulations Solutions Sumita Arora New Syllabus / Uncategorized / By Neha Exercise 11.1 1. Why are lists called mutable types ? here for answer 2 . What are immutable counterparts of lists ? here for answer 3. What are different ways of creating lists ? here for answer 4. What values can we have in a list? Do they all have to be the same type? here for answer 5. How are individual elements of lists are accessed and changed ? here for answer 6. How do you create the following lists ? here for answer 8. Can you change an element of a sequence? What if the sequence is a string? What if the sequence is a list? here for answer 9. What does a + b amounts to if a and b are lists ? here for answer 11. What does a+b amount to if a is a list and b = 5 ? here for answer 12. Is a string the same as a list of characters ? The meaning here for answer 14. What is the difference between append() and insert() methods of list ? here for answer 15. What is the difference between pop( ) and remove() methods of list? here for answer 16. What is the difference between append( ) and extend() methods of list? here for answer 17. How does the sort() work? Give example. here for answer 18. What does list.clear( ) function do ? here for answer 13. Which functions can you use to add elements to a list ? here for answer 7. If a = (5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0) evaluate the following expressions : here for answer Back Exercise Part A 1. Discuss the utility and significance of Lists, briefly. here for answer 3. Start with the list [8, 9, 10]. Do the following using list functions : here for answer 6. What’s the purpose of the del operator and pop method ? Try deleting a slice. here for answer 7. What does each of the following expressions evaluate to ? Suppose that L is the list here for answer 8. What are list slices ? What for can you use them ? here for answer 9. Does the slice operator always produce a new list ? here for answer 10. Compare lists with strings. How are they similar and how are they different ? here for answer 11. What do you understand by true copy of a list ? How is it different from shallow copy ? here for answer 12. An index out of bounds given with a list name causes error, but not with list slices. Why ? here for answer 4. What do you understand by mutability ? What does “in place” task mean ? here for answer 6. What’s a [1 : 1] if a is a string of at least two characters ? And what if string is shorter ? here for answer 12. If a is (1, 2, 3) here for answer Back Exercise Part B 1. What is the difference between following two expressions, if lst is given as [1, 3, 5] here for answer 2. Given two lists LI = here for answer 4. Given a list LI = [3, 4.5, 12, 25.7, [2, 1, 0, 5], 88] here for answer 5. Given a list L1 = [3, 4.5, 12, 25.7, ]2, 1, 0, 5], 88], which function can change the list to : here for answer 6. What will the following code result in ? here for answer 7. Predict the output here for answer 8. Predict the output here for answer 10. Predict the output here for answer 11 . Predict the output of following two parts. Are the outputs same? Are the outputs different? Why? here for answer 12 . Find the errors here for answer 13. Find the errors here for answer 14. Find the errors here for answer 15. What will be the output of following code ? here for answer Back Exercise Part C 2 . Write a program that inputs two lists and creates a third, that contains all elements of the first followed by all elements of the second. here for answer 8. Write a program that reads the n to display nth term of Fibonacci series. here for answer 9. Write programs as per following specifications here for answer 6. Write a program that takes any two lists L and M of the same size and adds their elements together to form a new list N whose elements are sums of the corresponding elements in L and M. For instance, if L = [3 ,1,4] and M – [1,5,9], then N should equal [4,6,13]. # Code here for answer 5. Create the following lists using a for loop : here for answer 3. Ask the user to enter a list containing numbers between 1 and 12. Then replace all of the entries in the list that are greater than 10 with 10. here for answer 4. Ask the user to enter a list of strings. Create a new list that consists of those strings with their first characters removed. here for answer 7. Write a program that rotates the elements of a list so that the element at the first index moves to the second index, the element in the second index moves to the third index, etc., and the element in the last index moves to the first index. # Code here for answer