5.6.1 Definition of Organic Farming

Organic farming is a farming system designed to uphold, enhance, and restore ecological balance. The global demand for organically grown food is increasing as countries aim to secure food sources and promote sustainable development in agriculture. In organic farming, farmers utilize organic manure, bio-fertilizers, and organic pesticides.

Reasons for the Necessity of Organic Farming

(a) Historical agricultural practices heavily relied on chemical fertilizers and pesticides, resulting in soil, water, and air pollution, loss of soil fertility, and increased chemical content in food crops.

(b) Urgency to conserve the environment and ecosystems and promote sustainable development.

(c) Organic farming is a cost-effective agricultural technology accessible to small and marginal farmers.

5.6.2 Advantages of Organic Farming

(a) Cost-Effective Process: Organic agriculture allows the substitution of expensive inputs like high-yielding variety seeds, chemical fertilizers, and pesticides with locally produced, cheaper organic inputs, resulting in higher returns on investment.

(b) Income Generation: Organic farming generates income through international exports due to the rising demand for organically grown crops.

(c) Healthier and Tastier Food: Organically grown food has higher nutritional value compared to chemically grown food, promoting overall health.

(d) Solves Unemployment: Organic farming, being more labor-intensive, contributes to solving the unemployment problem.

(e) Environmentally Friendly: Pesticide-free produce is cultivated in an environmentally sustainable manner.

(f) Sustains Soil Fertility: The use of composts and animal manures helps sustain soil fertility, in contrast to chemical fertilizers that deplete soil fertility. Organic farming supports the sustainable development of agriculture.

5.6.3 Limitations of Organic Farming

(a) Organic farming yields are often lower than those of modern agriculture, leading to higher prices for organically produced goods.

(b) Small and marginal farmers may not readily adopt organic farming due to limited awareness and alternative production choices in off-seasons.

(c) Organic produce may have a shorter shelf life.

5.6.4 Relevance of Organic Farming in India

(a) Growing global awareness of the nutritional benefits of organic food has increased the demand for such products. With India being a low consumer of chemical fertilizers, there is a significant opportunity to produce organic foods for both domestic use and exports. Encouraging organic farming and developing facilities for testing and certifying organically produced foods is crucial.

(b) Given India’s abundant labor force, the labor-intensive nature of organic farming presents an advantageous opportunity for large-scale adoption in the country.

Objective Type Questions

1. What is the primary goal of organic farming?

a) Increase chemical use in agriculture

b) Enhance and restore ecological balance

c) Maximize soil pollution

d) Promote excessive water consumption
Answer: b) Enhance and restore ecological balance

2. What contributes to the urgency for organic farming according to the passage?

a) Increase in chemical fertilizers

b) Loss of soil fertility

c) Demand for organically grown food

d) All of the above
Answer: d) All of the above

3. Why is organic farming considered cost-effective?

a) It uses high-yielding variety seeds

b) It relies on chemical fertilizers

c) It substitutes expensive inputs with cheaper organic alternatives

d) It requires advanced technological equipment
Answer: c) It substitutes expensive inputs with cheaper organic alternatives

4. How does organic farming contribute to income generation?

a) By using chemical pesticides

b) Through international exports of organically grown crops

c) By maximizing water consumption

d) By relying on genetically modified seeds
Answer: b) Through international exports of organically grown crops

5. What is a potential advantage of consuming organically grown food?

a) Lower nutritional value

b) Higher chemical content

c) Higher nutritional value

d) Increased health risks
Answer: c) Higher nutritional value

6. How does organic farming contribute to solving the unemployment problem?

a) By reducing labor input

b) By relying on automated machinery

c) By being more labor-intensive

d) By promoting chemical-based agriculture
Answer: c) By being more labor-intensive

7. What makes organic produce environmentally friendly?

a) High chemical content

b) Pesticide-free cultivation

c) Excessive water consumption

d) Reliance on synthetic fertilizers
Answer: b) Pesticide-free cultivation

8. What is a limitation of organic farming mentioned in the passage?

a) Longer shelf life of organic produce

b) Higher yields compared to modern agriculture

c) Lower yields leading to higher prices

d) Widespread adoption by small farmers
Answer: c) Lower yields leading to higher prices

9. Why may small and marginal farmers hesitate to adopt organic farming?

a) Lack of awareness

b) Abundant labor force

c) Availability of genetically modified seeds

d) Preference for chemical fertilizers
Answer: a) Lack of awareness

10. What opportunity does the passage suggest for India in organic farming?

a) Increase chemical fertilizer consumption

b) Export genetically modified crops

c) Produce organic foods for exports and domestic use

d) Discourage the labor-intensive nature of farming
Answer: c) Produce organic foods for exports and domestic use

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