Chapter 11- Development Experience of India


Cooperation Among Countries:

All countries want to make their own land stronger. They are teaming up with nearby countries and forming groups to help each other. Some of these groups are:

  • SAARC (South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation):
    • It includes 8 countries from South Asia working together.
  • EU (European Union):
    • This is a union of 25 independent states in Europe. They join forces for common goals.
  • ASEAN (Association of South East Asian Nations):
    • It brings together 5 countries in South East Asia to cooperate on various things.
  • G-8 (Group of Eight):
    • A group of 8 countries working together on global matters.
  • G-20 (Group of Twenty):
    • This is made up of 19 of the world’s biggest economies, collaborating to solve big issues.

It’s crucial for a country to understand what its neighbors are doing in terms of development. This helps them see their own strengths and weaknesses compared to their neighbors. In today’s globalized world, where countries are connected, understanding what others are doing is even more important. This way, countries can compete better with their neighbors.


Similarities in Development Approaches:

  • Starting Together:
    • All three countries, India, China, and Pakistan, began their development journeys around the same time. India and Pakistan became independent in 1947, while the Republic of China was established in 1949.
  • Development Planning:
    • They all started planning their development in similar ways. India’s First Five Year Plan began in 1951, Pakistan’s Medium Term Plan in 1956, and China’s First Five Year Plan in 1953. Currently, India is in its 12th Five Year Plan (2012-17).
  • Economic Reforms:
    • Economic reforms took place in all three countries. India started in 1991, China in 1978, and Pakistan in 1988.
  • Similar Physical Resources:
    • All three countries share similar natural resources.

Differences in Development Approaches:

  • Political Systems:
    • India is the world’s largest democracy. Pakistan has an authoritarian military-led political structure. China operates under a communist single-party regime.
  • Economic Approaches:
    • India and Pakistan both followed a mixed economy approach, creating a significant public sector and planning to increase spending on social development. In contrast, China’s approach involves centralization, where the government plays a central role in decision-making, and there’s an emphasis on state-owned enterprises and planning boards.

Objective Type Questions

1. Which group includes 8 South Asian countries working together for regional cooperation?



C) G-8


Answer: D) SAARC

2. What does EU stand for, representing a union of 25 independent states in Europe?

A) European Unity

B) Eurasian Union

C) Eastern Union

D) European Union

Answer: D) European Union

3. Which association brings together 5 countries in South East Asia to cooperate on various things?

A) G-20



D) G-8

Answer: C) ASEAN

4. What is the purpose of G-8, a group of 8 countries working together on global matters?

A) Regional cooperation

B) Solving big global issues

C) Economic planning

D) Military alliances

Answer: B) Solving big global issues

5. Why is it crucial for a country to understand what its neighbors are doing in terms of development?

A) To compete and weaken neighbors

B) To form military alliances

C) To collaborate on economic matters

D) To compete better and identify strengths and weaknesses

Answer: D) To compete better and identify strengths and weaknesses

6. When did India, China, and Pakistan begin their development journeys?

A) India and Pakistan in 1953, China in 1949

B) India and Pakistan in 1947, China in 1951

C) India and Pakistan in 1956, China in 1953

D) India and Pakistan in 1947, China in 1949

Answer: B) India and Pakistan in 1947, China in 1951

7. Which country started economic reforms in 1991 as part of its development approach?

A) China

B) Pakistan

C) India

D) None of the above

Answer: C) India

8. What is a key difference in the political systems of India, China, and Pakistan?

A) All are authoritarian military-led

B) India is a communist single-party regime

C) India is a democracy, Pakistan has a communist regime, and China is military-led

D) India is the world’s largest democracy, Pakistan has an authoritarian military-led structure, and China operates under a communist single-party regime

Answer: D) India is the world’s largest democracy, Pakistan has an authoritarian military-led structure, and China operates under a communist single-party regime

9. Which country follows a mixed economy approach with a significant public sector and planning for social development?

A) China

B) Pakistan

C) India

D) All of the above

Answer: C) India

10. In terms of economic approaches, what is a distinctive feature of China’s approach compared to India and Pakistan?

A) Emphasis on state-owned enterprises

B) Centralized planning boards

C) Mixed economy approach

D) Strong focus on military development

Answer: A) Emphasis on state-owned enterprises

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