Class 12 IP Chapter 2 Ex 2.1 Solutions Sumita Arora New Syllabus / Listing12IPSA, Uncategorized / By Neha 10. What does groupby( ) do ? here for answer 1. Name some descriptive statistic functions used with dataframes. here for answer 2. To calculate statistical values for each row, the axis argument’ should be _____ ? The axis here for answer 3. What are quantile and quartiles ? here for answer 4. What does quantile( ) do ? here for answer 5. Name pivoting functions available for dataframes. here for answer 6. What is the use of aggfunc argument in pivot_table( ) ? here for answer 7. What does hist( ) do ? here for answer 8. Name some function-application functions. here for answer 9. When should pipe( ) be preferred over sandwiching of function call ? here for answer