10.1.5 Causes of Environmental Degradation

Factors Leading to Environmental Degradation:

  • Increasing Population Density:
    • When there are too many people in one place, it harms the environment. It makes the soil and water dirty.
  • Urbanization:
    • When a lot of people move from villages to cities, it creates slum areas and puts a lot of pressure on the city’s systems. This harms the environment and people’s health.
  • Use of High-Yield Seeds:
    • Farmers using strong seeds also use harmful chemicals that make them sick. The food we eat from these farms may have more harmful chemicals than it should, making us sick too. Using too many chemicals on farms is not good for our health.
  • Rise in Economic Activity:
    • When a country makes more money, it often means more industries and cities grow. This creates more pollution in the air, water, and noise. It also causes accidents, lack of water, and housing problems. In simple words, when a country makes more money, it often harms the environment and reduces the well-being of the people.

10.1.6 How to save Environment?

Measures to Protect Our Environment:

  • Population Control:
    • We need to slow down the growth of our population. Too many people cause a lot of economic problems, and controlling the population can help solve these issues.
  • Enforcement of Environment Conservation Act:
    • In 1986, India made a law called the Environment Protection Act. The goal is to stop the environment from getting worse. We need to make sure this law is followed properly.
  • Water Management:
    • We should use our water wisely. Regular checks of rivers, ponds, and lakes are necessary to make sure we’re not wasting water.
  • Control of Industrial and Agricultural Pollution:
    • Factories and farms make a lot of pollution. We must make sure that waste from them doesn’t go into rivers or the surroundings. To protect the environment, we need to limit the use of chemicals in farming and encourage organic farming.
  • Social Awareness:
    • People should know about the bad effects of pollution and how it harms the environment. Spreading this knowledge will help everyone understand the importance of taking care of our surroundings.
  • Management of Solid Waste:
    • We need a good plan to handle our trash. Machines can turn waste into compost, which is good for the environment.
  • Improvement in Housing:
    • Homes should be clean and tidy. We should replace slums with better, well-lit houses to improve living conditions.

Objective Type Questions

  1. What is identified as a consequence of increasing population density in a specific area?
    A) Improved soil quality
    B) Clean water sources
    C) Harm to the environment and dirty soil and water
    D) Increased biodiversity
    Answer: C) Harm to the environment and dirty soil and water
  2. What does the use of high-yield seeds by farmers lead to, according to the passage?
    A) Enhanced soil fertility
    B) Improved health of farmers
    C) Increased pollution and harmful chemicals
    D) Reduction in economic activity
    Answer: C) Increased pollution and harmful chemicals
  3. What is the impact of urbanization on the environment, as mentioned in the passage?
    A) Enhanced environmental conservation
    B) Creation of more green spaces
    C) Generation of slum areas and pressure on city systems
    D) Improved health conditions
    Answer: C) Generation of slum areas and pressure on city systems
  4. What is highlighted as a consequence of the rise in economic activity in a country?
    A) Reduced pollution
    B) Improved water supply
    C) Housing problems and environmental harm
    D) Decreased industrial growth
    Answer: C) Housing problems and environmental harm
  5. What is suggested as a solution to economic problems caused by a high population?
    A) Increased urbanization
    B) Population control
    C) Use of high-yield seeds
    D) Enforcement of environmental laws
    Answer: B) Population control
  6. What law, enacted in 1986, aims to prevent environmental degradation in India?
    A) Water Management Act
    B) Population Control Act
    C) Environment Protection Act
    D) Industrial Pollution Control Act
    Answer: C) Environment Protection Act
  7. What is emphasized in the passage as a crucial aspect of water conservation?
    A) Frequent dumping of waste in water bodies
    B) Regular checks of rivers, ponds, and lakes
    C) Unrestricted use of water resources
    D) Excessive waste from factories and farms
    Answer: B) Regular checks of rivers, ponds, and lakes
  8. What is the focus of the measure related to social awareness in protecting the environment?
    A) Encouraging urbanization
    B) Discouraging organic farming
    C) Spreading knowledge about pollution’s negative effects
    D) Promoting industrial growth
    Answer: C) Spreading knowledge about pollution’s negative effects
  9. What is mentioned as a solution for handling solid waste in the passage?
    A) Increasing waste production
    B) Turning waste into compost using machines
    C) Dumping waste into rivers
    D) Ignoring solid waste management
    Answer: B) Turning waste into compost using machines
  10. What improvement is suggested in housing to protect the environment?
    A) Creation of more slum areas
    B) Replacing slums with better, well-lit houses
    C) Encouraging urbanization for housing development
    D) Increased use of harmful chemicals in housing construction
    Answer: B) Replacing slums with better, well-lit houses

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