Class 11 CS Chapter 9 Back Exercise Part C Solutions Sumita Arora New Syllabus / Listing11CSSA, Uncategorized / By Neha 6. On what principles does Python compare two strings ? Write a program that takes two strings from the user and displays the smaller string in single line and the larger string as per this format : 1st letter here for answer 7. Write a program to convert a given number into equivalent Roman number (store its value as a string). You can use following guidelines to develop solution for it : here for answer 5. Write a program that does the following : here for answer 4. Write a Python program as per specifications given below : here for answer 2. Write a program that: here for answer 3. Write a program that should prompt the user to type some sentence(s) followed by “enter”. It should then print the original sentence(s) and the following statistics relating to the sentence(s) : * Number here for answer 1. Write a program that prompts for a phone number of 10 digits and two dashes, with dashes after the area code and the next three numbers. For example, 017-555-1212 is a legal input. Display if the phone number entered is valid format or not and display if the phone number is valid and not (i.e., contains just the digits and dash at specific places. # Code here for answer